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The art of investing in a collection of assets

Investment portfolio management involves building and overseeing a selection of assets such as stocks, bonds, and cash that meet the long-term financial goals and risk tolerance of an investor.

Active portfolio management requires strategically buying and selling stocks and other assets in an effort to beat the performance of the broader market.

Passive portfolio management seeks to match the returns of the market by mimicking the makeup of an index or indexes.

Investors can implement strategies to aggressively pursue profits, conservatively attempt to preserve capital, or a blend of both.

Portfolio management requires clear long-term goals, clarity from the IRS on tax legislation changes, understanding of investor risk tolerance, and a willingness to study investment options.

Active Portfolio Management.

Active portfolio management focuses on outperforming the market in comparison to a specific benchmark such as the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. The performance can be measured using Active Share and by comparing portfolio holdings to the benchmark.

Passive Portfolio Management.

Passive portfolio management can be referred to as index fund management. This is because a passive portfolio is typically designed to parallel the returns of a particular market index or benchmark as closely as possible. For example, each stock listed on an index is weighted.

Discretionary Portfolio Management.

Discretionary investment management is a form of investment management in which buy and sell decisions are made by a portfolio manager or investment counsellor for the client's account. People generally believe that stocks, bonds, and cash portfolio.


Whether you are a professional trader or a beginner in the stock market, you might have gone through any one of the following situations.

Why do I always lose money in both trading and investment?

Why do I lose money even if I invest in good company shares?

When I invest in a share, it goes down and after I sell the share the price goes up. Why?

How can I make consistent money through trading and investing?

How to guess the undervalue or overvalue of a share?

What really matters in the stock market?

If you have any of the above questions in your mind, then you are invited to join our trading course and get a solution. Remember, the ultimate winners of the stock market are not the lucky ones. They are those who follow the winning trading methods and strategies to create consistent profit from the stock market.